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Have you ever had a moment where you realized you were putting your trust and hope and security in something that wouldn’t last? You realized that your peace and joy would never be secure as long as it’s wrapped up in money, or followers, or a dream job or the acceptance of others. Give It All Away is for anyone whose has realized that it is worth it to go “all in” for Jesus, no matter the cost. It’s inspired by the life of Zacchaeus, a tax collector who decided to humble himself, give it all away, and take on a complete life transformation for the sake of knowing and following Jesus. In Matthew 6 Jesus says, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” I hope this song encourages you to keep holding fast to the real treasure. Because God who is rich in mercy has given us the grace to find freedom and peace and security in Jesus because “It is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich.” (Proverbs 10:22)